Waiver of Inadmissibility – I601 and I212 Waiver Application

In some cases, foreign nationals might not be immediately eligible to receive a green card or a nonimmigrant visa. Certain individuals who are inadmissible to the United States and are seeking an immigrant visa, adjustment of status, certain nonimmigrant visas or certain other immigration benefits, may seek a waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility called a waiver of inadmissibility or I-601.

An USCIS or consular officer may find a person ineligible to receive a visa due to previous immigration violations, criminal grounds, previous orders of deportation or removal, among other reasons. A person, who has been deemed ineligible for a visa, must first determine if a waiver of inadmissibility is available for his or her particular situation. In some cases, grounds of inadmissibility cannot be overcome and those foreign nationals affected are permanently barred from obtaining a visa to the United States.

Applying for waiver of inadmissibility

If an immigration or consular officer has found you inadmissible and requires you to file a waiver of inadmissibility, contact one of our South Florida immigration offices to determine the best course of action in your case.

Immigration attorney Jorge L. Delgado can help you determine whether or not filing an I-601 can help you resolve your immigration problems. Moreover, attorney Jorge L. Delgado can represent you and advise you throughout the application process for a waiver of inadmissibility.

Contact J.L. Delgado Law Offices today to setup up a consultation at either our Naples Florida office, Davie Florida office or online. We also invite you to connect with us on social media.

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